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Meeting Minutes - Sept. 10, 2018


Rocky Mountain Junior High School

Community Council Minutes

September 10, 2018

9:45 a.m.

In Attendance:  Lacy Richards, Kelly Snarr, Anne Kendrick, Christi Warr, Bret Craynor and Connie Brown.

Welcome – Bret Craynor

Connie Brown read the minutes.  Lacy Richards approved and Anne Kendrick seconded.

We watched the Trust Lands Training Video

Bret introduce Tamera Meacham, a Counselor from Fremont High School to talk about Concurrent Enrollment.  Sophomores can now take several classes.   A nice discussion followed.

Trust Land Plan

     $114,334.00 Allocation for 2018-19

     $579.55 Carry over – Teacher’s salaries are not taken out until June so it is very hard to figure exactly what that amount will be, thus the difference in Carry over funds.

     $112,718.55 Currently

Last Year’s Plan 2017-18

     Goal 1- Increase Students leaving RMJH on track.  Only 6 students off track.

     Goal 2-Replace outdated projectors.  We have replace 25 plus added one to the gym, this is an ongoing problem we have had 2 go out already this year.

This Year’s Plan 2018-19

     Goal 1 – 95% of all 9th grade students on track for graduation.  Lacy asked if we could pull data to track this to compare years.  Bret said that would be possible.

     Goal 2 – English class will increase reading comprehension by 3%. 

     Looking to collect some base line data 1st quarter.

Additional Business –

Bret asked if anyone would be able to attend a meeting with him at Weber School District next Tuesday, to discuss Trust Lands.  Lacy Richards volunteered.

Elections – Unanimous vote to retain Ashley Harris as Chairman of Community Council for Rocky Mountain Junior High for the 2018-19 year.

Bret thanked all those who were present for their support.

The next Community Council Meeting will be held on Monday, November 12, 2018 at 9:45 a.m.

Minutes by Connie Brown.