Meeting Minutes - May 13,2019
Rocky Mountain Junior High School
Community Council Minutes
May 13, 2019
9:45 a.m.
Welcome-Ashlee Harris
In Attendance-Ashlee Harris, Lacy Richards, Kelly Snarr, Christi Warr, Jamie Ellis, Bret Craynor, Connie Brown.
Connie Brown read the minutes. Approved by Kelly Snarr, seconded by Bret Craynor.
Mr. Craynor presented the Trust Lands budget, we need to spend approximately $22,000 in the next two months. The Council agreed that the purchase of the Smart TV’s would be of most benefit to all.
TSSA Money- $103,000 has been allotted to our school, $100 per student. He would like to use some of it to buyout 4 teachers prep for class reduction at $9,000 each, Math, Science, English and History.
He would like to look into a Professional Social and Emotional Counselor to split between possibly 2 or maybe 1 other Junior High for $36,000 possibly more if we just split with one.
Bret would like to use some for summer Professional Development $200 per teacher for math, science, history and English approximately $15,000.
Character Ed-Caysie Bowden, Monica Zimmerman and Trudy Sportsman-$5,000, they have put many hard and long hours into this program and will continue to do so.
That leaves about $20,000 that can be used as needed.
A vote was taken for next year’s Community Council Chairman. Lacy Richard’s was nominated by Ashlee Harris and was unanimously approved.
He thanked them for their support this year.