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Meeting Minutes - Sept., 9, 2019

Rocky Mountain Junior High School

Community Council Meeting

September 9, 2019


In Attendance: Anne Kendrick, Lacy Richards, Christi Warr, Kelly Snarr, Michelle Nichols, Holly Crossley, Tamara Arndt, Bret Craynor and Connie Brown.

Minutes were  read by - Bret Craynor.   Lacy Richards made the motion to approve the minutes and Holly Crossley seconded the motion.

Mr. Craynor presented the enclosed Power Point. Notes of discussion are on the print out.

September 17 will be a training for Lacy at the District from 9:30 — 10:30 a.m.

Mr. Craynor thanked those in attendance, especially the new members,  Holly and Tamara.      

He really appreciates all the time and effort they put forth to attend and contribute to our meetings.

Our next Community Council meeting will be held on November 11th  at 10 a.m.

Minutes by: Connie Brown