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Meeting Minutes - September 16, 2020

Rocky Mountain Junior High School

Community Council Meeting Minutes

September 16, 2020

12:15 pm.

Google Meet



Welcome – Bret Craynor

In attendance - Sandy Green, Karlee Little, Lacy Richards, Dana Lamb, Kenny Olsen, Lorrie Brown, Bret Craynor, Jamie Pilkington

Approval of Minutes – Approval of minutes of the March 9 2020 meeting.  Lacy made a motion to approve, seconded by Karlee.

  • Elect Chair – Karlee Little self-nominated to be the chair with no other nominations. Lacy made a motion to approve her as the chair and it was seconded by Dana. A vote was called and it was unanimous.
  • Trust Land Plan
    • Allocation – Mr. Craynor went over the previous year’s Trust Lands, and TSSA plans and goals and the allocation for this year. See Trustlands and TSSA Plans at school website.
    • Credit Recovery 44 of the 49 credits signed up for.

Additional Business (as needed)

Lacy asked about the upcoming bond.  She was wondering if Covid 19 had changed their plans on placing the bond on the ballet next year.  Mr. Craynor indicated that as far as he knows they are moving forward as planed.

Mr. Craynor thanked the council for their willingness to serve and the meeting was adjourned.