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Meeting Minutes - January 20, 2021

  Rocky Mountain Junior High School

Community Council Meeting Minutes

January 20, 2021

12:15 p.m.




Mr. Craynor – Welcome

In Attendance:  Bret Craynor, Lori Brown, Sandy Green, Ann Kendrick, Dana Lamb, and Lacy Richards

 Approval of Minutes

Mr. Craynor went over the current budget.  School has added 3 new classes to reduce class sizes for the second quarter.  We are on track to be under our 10% carry over.

Mr. Craynor talked about the Trust Lands Website being down and not being able to work on the new trust lands report.


  • Trust Lands Plan 2021-2022 Proposal


Goal 1 - Ensure that at least 95% of all 9th grade students have 6 or more credits when they transition from Rocky Mountain Jr. High to the high school.

  • Goal 1 - Ensure that at least 95% of all 9th grade students have 6 or more credits when they transition from Rocky Mountain Jr. High to the high school.
  • Salaries – 7 Buy-Outs @ $13,000 = $91,000
  • Professional Development - $4,000
  • Repairs and Maintenance - $ 5,000
  • General Supplies - $4,000
  • Library Books - $3,000
  • Software (Aleks Licenses) - $8,000
  • Equipment Hardware - $5,000


Goal 2 - Increase overall student test scores by 1% on the Rise and Utah Aspire end of level tests, as teacher guide students to explore, and integrate technology-enhanced activities by providing every student with their own Chrome Book.


  • Technology Equipement - $37,000
  • Repairs needed to maintain Chrombooks - $5,000


  • Discussion Questions
    • Lacy asked about changing Goal 2 to reflect how we are using the Chromebook to remediate students with deficits and fail grades. The reasoning because we do not have Rise scores to compare data and measure progress. Dana agreed.  Craynor will be making that change on the second goal.
    • Vote On 2021-2022 Trust Lands Plan proposal. The motion was made by Dana to approve the Trust lands plan with the discussed modifications to Goal number 2.  Seconded by Lacy and unanimously approved.

Meeting was adjourned.


Additional Business (as needed)