Meeting Minutes - September 15, 2021
Rocky Mountain Junior High School
Community Council Meeting Minutes
September 15, 2021
10:15 a.m.
Conference Room in the Main Office
Approval of Minutes - Mr. Craynor read the minutes and asked for approval. Motion to approve by Leslie seconded by Dana.
Mr. Craynor – Welcome
- Elect Chair – Dana Lamb was elected as Chair by unanimous vote.
- Mr. Craynor went over this year's trust land plan. See the state website.
- $148,579 Allocation
- 5,414 carryover
- Report of the 2020-2021 trustlands, and TSSA plan.
- Met goal 1. Only 4.1% of students did not have the 6 credits or more.
- Goal 2 was not achieved. Whe goal 2 was created we were planning on having the Rise and Aspire testing. Because of covid that did not happen so we were not able to collect the data and measure this goal.
- Went over the TSSA plan for 2021-20222
- See TSSA plan on schools website.
- Signed the Community Council Membership Form
Additional Business (as needed)
- October 5 2021 - Community bond meeting at Rocky at 2:35 to discuss the upcoming bond for new schools.
- Sept 29 Parent teacher conference. Hybrid
- Parent surveys will be going out for accreditation.
Meeting was adjourned.