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Meeting Minutes - January 12, 2022

Rocky Mountain Junior High School
Community Council Meeting Minutes

January 12, 2022
10:15 a.m.

Mr. Craynor – Welcome
In attendance: Bret Craynor, Lacy Richards, Lorri Brown, Kenny Olsen,
Beth Wilson, Jamie Pilkington, Sandy Green

Approval of Minutes
Motion to approve the minutes by Dana, Seconded by Lacy

  • Trust Lands
    • Trust Land Plan 2021-2022
      • Mr. Craynor talked about our current budget and how we are on
        track to be under our 10% carry over.
    • Trust Lands Plan 2022-2023 Proposal
      • Mr. Craynor introduced the potential Trust Lands Plan for the 2022-
        2023 school year.
        • Goal 1 - Ensure that at least 95% of all 9th grade students have 6 or
          more credits when they transition from Rocky Mountain Jr. High
          to the high school.
          • Salaries – 7 Buy-Outs @ $11,000 = $77,000
          • Professional Development - $5,000
          • Repairs and Maintenance - $ 5,000
          • General Supplies - $5,000
          • Library Books - $3,000
          • Software (Aleks Licenses) - $9,000
          • Equipment Hardware - $13,000
        • Goal 2 - Increase overall student test scores by 1% on the Rise and Utah
          Aspire end of level tests, as teachers guide students to explore, and
          integrate technology enhanced activities by providing every student with
          their own Chrome Book.
          • Technology Equipment - $40,000
          • Repairs needed to maintain Chromebooks - $5,000


    • Discussion Questions
      • Lacy talked about trying to find a way to help those
        that are not being successful in the classroom.
        Extended Summer school for 7 th and 8 th graders
      • Bret – tutors over the summer, Trouble getting these
        kids to show up. Mindset that it doesn’t matter until
        9 th grade. We can defiantly look at some thing and see
        if there is an interest for teachers and parents. Maybe
        use TSSA funds.
      • Jamie – Great job with Edgenuity 1 st quarter with 9 th
        graders. Lots of 9 th grades credits already made up.
      • Jamie – Showed parents how to look at their students’


    • Vote On 2022-2023 Trust Lands Plan proposal
    • A Motion was made to approve the Trust Lands plan for
      2022-2023 by Dana. Bret All in favor? Passed unamous.

Additional Business (as needed)

  • Bret – New school naming. Email out please provide your input.
  • April we will need your help with accreditation
  • Standards based Grading
  • Do you value the learning of the grade?
    • Kenny, Lacy, and Dana all responded that they value
      the learning more.
    • School needs to do more to promote and explain
      standards based learning to the community moving

Meeting was adjourned.