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Meeting Minutes - November 1, 2022

Rocky Mountain Junior High School
Community Council Meeting Minutes
November 1, 2022
10:15 a.m.

Conference Room in the Main Office


In attendance: Bret Craynor, Jamie Pilkington, Cindy Pendleton, Kenny Olsen, Cari Fredrickson,
Beth Wilson

Welcome – Bret Craynor
Approval of minutes: Motion by Cindy, Second by Kenny

  • Trust Land Plan – Mr. Craynor showed the spreadsheet of the current budget and talked
    about upcoming spending.
    • Future needs
      • Ongoing support of our Chromebooks
      • Teacher buyouts - Preliminary enrollment for next year numbers are down.
      • Updating technology, New line Smart Boards, Tv’s etc.
      • English needs
      • Classroom set of novels
  • Mr. Craynor showed a grade distribution for the first quarter. There was a discussion about the number of “F’s”.
    • Beth was concerned about grades and indicated that parents need more resources to
      help their kids specifically with CANVAS. Mr. Craynor let her know there were
      informational and instructional video’s for parents on the school’s website and
      thanked her for the concern and said they would do a better job in the future on
      letting parents know where those resources were.
      o Jamie explained the process for getting kids back on track and opportunities for 9 th
      graders to get that credit made up.
    • Boundary Committee – New schools 2024 - Mr. Craynor talked about the upcoming
      boundary committee that he will be butting together. He let the council know that he
      will be reaching out to them if they are interested in being part o f the realignment of
      the boundaries.
  • Mr. Craynor asked if there were any other questions?
  • A motion was made by Kenny to adjourn the meeting and was seconded by Beth.