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Meeting Minutes - Jan. 9. 2017

Community Council

January 9, 2017

In Attendance:  Nicole Meibos, Lane Gittins,  Ashlee Harris, Christi Warr, Sharon Bolos, Lacy Richards, Leslie Saunders, and Malauna Anderson

Ashlee opened the meeting with asking if everyone had received and gone over the minutes from the last meeting.  Lacy approved the minutes and Sharon seconded the motion. 

Mrs. Meibos welcomed everyone and started going over the Trustland budget update on what we have spent:

Teacher                                                                                                         $2,211.37

Aide Salaries                                                                                                 $6,083.12

Repairs/Maintenance (projectors/bulbs)                                                       $2,094.69

Library Book (updating nonfiction section)                                                    $1,745.80

Software (Apex, Alecks certificates)                                                              $6,305.00

Instructional Equipment (chrome books/projectors)                                     $16,226.00

Balance Available                                                                                        $50,187.99

Mrs. Meibos stated that next year the amount given to our school could more than double so she wanted people to start thinking of things needed at the school that we could use it for in 2017-2018. 

A grant the district has received for technology will benefit all the core teachers.  Right now the English teachers are being google certified and training that will allow them to get chrome books for their classrooms.  Future improvement in SAGE testing will be needed to keep the chrome books.  

Some believe SAGE testing will be on its way out soon

2017-2018 Trustland Ideas

  • Continue funding Aleks and FLEX
  • Put the blended learning into effect
  • Possibly a 2nd student advocate hired
  • Possibly high school internship here as a tutor
  • Possibly hire another counselor or a coordinator to oversee blended learning

Mrs. Meibos wants to visit a junior high that has the blended learning already in their school and see how it is working.  Blended learning will be classes available for students to work at a self-paced level.  Could use trustland money for tutors to help with the program

Lacy Richards asked if it were possible to get a cost analysis from the district on the difference between buying and leasing bigger/more expensive equipment. 

Mrs.  Meibos asked for people to attend the February 9, 2017 accreditation meeting at 9:00am

Mrs. Meibos asked for FLEX time feedback:

Leslie Saunders said her only complaint was that her child had missed a few days of school and when she got back she was not able to do enrichment activities, and there was only missing work because she was absent.  Also that her daughter had asked teachers what she was going to miss when she was gone and all she was told was to check the blog and she said some don’t update their blog regularly. 

Suggestions was made to get members of the community to come in and volunteer time to do a FLEX time.  It was mentioned that a local retired artist had volunteered to come teach the kids at the elementary school. 

Ashlee Harris mentioned a program called junior achievement, it is a program that is completely free and if you let them know how many kids are going to take advantage of the program they will send enough supplies for all the kids.  She thought it might be a good idea for flex enrichment activity.

Mrs. Meibos said that was all she had for this month and asked people to be thinking of any other ideas for what the school may want/need to do with the trustland budget next year.  Next meeting will be in March