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Meeting Minutes - May 15, 2017

Community Council Minutes

May 15, 2017

In attendance:  Nicole Meibos, Rob Lake, Leslie Saunders, Sharon Bolos, Lacy Richards, Malauna Anderson, Ashlee Harris, Jamie Phippen, and Brett Craynor

Mrs. Meibos asked if everyone received last meeting minutes Lacey Richards approved the minutes and Sharon Bolos 2nd the motion.

Mrs. Meibos said she is going ahead with ordering the projectors needed for the school for next year so they can be installed over the summer.  She has spoken with the district and they will use next year’s Trustland funds to pay for them.  Shawn Smith, our computer tech, has said we will need to order 20 projectors.  Originally it was going to be 23 but a few were ordered this year when they quit working. 

Mrs. Meibos stated that next year will have the most buyouts for teachers she has ever seen.  $9,000 for one math and one English buyout.  The biggest downside to buyouts is the sub shortage and not having teachers with prep times to help cover classes.

Next year enrollment as of now is 1065.  The district is projecting our number to go down next year but as of now they are up 100.  Open enrollment period is over now but students are still registering for our school either from charter schools or new developments in our boundaries.

  No open classrooms for next year…Mrs. Meibos had made a request for a portable and was told maybe next year. 

Trustlands next year will pay for 2 math aides and 2 student advocates

Flex period next year will be modeled around the high schools flex program.  Students will be signing up for flex periods at the end of each quarter.   Math and English will still be pulling kids out based on assessments into math lab study halls.  Students with a GPA below a certain point will not be given a choice on their flex hour…they will be put in a study hall.  Others will be able to choose enrichment activities or study hall.  Flex will be Monday-Thursday, Monday will be Character Ed, focusing on Rachel’s Challenge.  Tuesday and Wednesday will be in the class they chose.  Thursday students will be able to move to other classes with a pass to make up or work on another subject.  No Flex on Friday

Late start will stay on Friday as will the high school.  Busses like always will run on the regular schedules

. We hired an English teacher that had proven to get test scores up and she has continued that trend at Rocky.  Our students tested at 73% proficiency in writing. 

In English our #’s over the last few years has gone up 8% for 7th graders, up 5% for 8th graders and up 10% for 9th graders Science scores have gone up 9% for 7th graders, 4% for 8th graders, and 11% for 9th graders

Math Scores have gone up 4% for 7th graders, 3% for 8th graders and 19% for 9th graders.

Failing grades this year have gone down 73% 1st quarter, down 68% 2nd quarter, down 62% 3rd quarter.

SPED failing grades is down 80% 1st quarter, down 59% 2nd quarter, and down 49% 3rd quarter

Our school is down 65% on bullying incidents.

Next year we will be offering a Latinos in Action course.  These students will be going to Country View to tutor and work with the kids.  The goal of this program is to get these students self-confidence up and work on their skills and abilities.  Other schools have offered this course before but this will be Rocky Mountain’s first year with this program

. Our math teachers have vowed to make sure that all 9th graders leave Rocky Mountain on track for graduation.  They have worked so hard at helping these students master content and make up work.  Right now we have no F’s for any 9th graders in math!!