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Meeting Minutes - Nov. 13, 2017

Rocky Mountain Junior High School 

Community Council Meeting

November 13, 2017


In Attendance:  Leslie Saunders, Sharon Bolos, Anne Kendrick, Ashlee Harris, Lacy Richards, Christi Warr, Bret Craynor and Connie Brown.

Minutes were read by Connie Brown.  Approved by Leslie Saunders and Sharon Bolos.

Mr. Craynor told that $25,000 to $30,000 has been slated in Trust Lands for projectors.  They will be ordering one for the gym.

40 Boogie Boards have been ordered for Mrs. Bennion’s room.

A new printer was ordered for Mrs. Whiteside’s in the English department.

Mrs. Ellis will be taking the Science Department to BDO for a workshop to show them all of the available resources to help out in their classrooms.

If the State funding doesn’t come through for Math, we may need two Chrome Book carts next year.

Mr. Craynor talked about a conversation he had with the District Computer Tech about whether to buy or lease Chrome Books.  A decision has not been made at this time.

Future needs- 2 Student Advocates and 2 Math Lab Aides for next year.

Fund Raising for Marquee

Tammy Warr has been going to a lot of the businesses in our area to ask for donations.

Mr. Craynor has a letter that he will send out to all parents in a mass email, about donating to the marquee through the Foundation.

He brought up the idea of a spaghetti dinner in the Spring.  Suggestions were brought up to have the band, choir, orchestra, drama and all clubs participate that night so parents will attend.  Baskets could be raffled off at this time.  Further discussion to follow.