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Meeting Minutes - Jan. 8, 2018

ommunity Council Minutes

January 8, 2018

In attendance:  Leslie Saunders, Christi Warr, Sharon Bolos, Lane Gittins, Lacy Richards,

                            Anne Kendrick, Malauna Anderson, Ashlee Harris, Connie Brown and

                            Bret Craynor-Principal.

Minutes approved by Anne Kendrick and Lane Gittins.

Mr. Craynor gave updates on the following projects from last meeting:


  • Projector ordered and waiting for installation.
  • Boogie Boards arrived and Mrs. Bennions’s class have been using them.
  • English teachers are still working on data for vocabulary program. It has to be approved by the District.
  • Need for chrome book carts. Lynn Raymond’s lab will be going away.  He will purchase chrome books.  Discussion on what would be the best - go to all chrome books and do away with the labs or keep one lab.  Further discussion will be continued.


For next year’s budget:

2 – Student Advocates

2 – Math Aides

Marque – Discussion on how to best raise money for this.  Lacy had a great idea that the elementary used.  A form that is basically a donation form, no cookie dough, wrapping paper or coupon books.  If we could get 500 of our students to donate $30.00 it would pay for it. 

We will do a Spaghetti Dinner on March 21st for a fundraiser.  The Choir, Orchestra and band will perform.  More details later.

Erika Brown has been hired in Mr. Wray’s place.

The Grizzly Lunch is going great!

Homework lunch is doing some adjusting.