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Meeting Minutes - Mar. 13, 2018

Rocky Mountain Junior High School

Community Council Meeting

March 12, 2018

9:46 am

Conference Room in the Main Office

 Welcome - Ashlee Harris

Approval of Minutes – Connie Brown 

Approved by Christy and Sharon

Mr. Craynor

  • Trust Land Plan 17-18
  • Trust Land Plan 18-19
  • Approval

Additional Business (as needed)

  • Big thanks to the PTSA and other members of the community for their willingness to help with our Marquee Project.
  • Grizzly Luncheon has been a great success. Next date March 14.

In attendance:  Christy Warr, Sharon Bolos, Lacey Richards, Anne Kendrick, Leslie Saunders, Ashlee               

                             Harris, Bret Craynor, Connie Brown.

The Board voted and approved the attached Trusts Lands Plan for the next year.

This is the last Community Council meeting for this school year.  Bret thanked them for their participation.

Connie Brown 3/12/18



Trust Land School Plan 2018-2019 - Rocky Mountain JR

Want to add another goal?

Add a Goal

Goal #1 Edit


Ensure that at least 95% of all 9th grade students have 6 or more credits when they transition from Rocky Mountain Jr. High to the high school.

Academic Areas

  • Reading
  • Mathematics
  • Writing
  • Technology
  • Science
  • Fine Arts
  • Social Studies
  • Health
  • Foreign Language


Data will be collected from the student cumulative report to determine the number of students leaving RMJH on track for graduation.

Action Plan Steps

  1. 1. Two Student Advocates to work individually and in groups with students, to track and help improve student academic progress.
  2. 2. Two math aides to assist students struggling in math.
  3. 3. Funding for 1st year of a 4 year lease on 3 Chrome book labs with carts.
  4. 4. Gradpath program yearly costs.
  5. 5. Funding for a teacher stipend for credit recovery.
  6. 6. Funding for ALEKS math program.
  7. 7. Professional Development for teachers, staff and administration.
  8. 8. Continue funding for replacement of non-fiction section in school library.
  9. 9. Update and improve technology to improve student learning. (Wireless connectivity, projectors, Smart Boards, document cameras, printers, replacement and repair).
  10. 10. Funding for individual department needs. (novels, reading level tests, science equipment, calculators).




Estimated Cost




Salaries and Employee Benefits (100 and 200)

Student Advocate salaries (2) $34,000, Math Aide (2) $22,000, Teacher Stipend for Grad path program $1,000


Professional and Technical Services (300)

Professional development for teachers and administration.


Repairs and Maintenance (400)

Updates, repairs and maintenance for Smart Boards, wireless hubs, document cameras, printers, Chrome Books and Chrome Book carts.


Transportation/Admission/Per Diem/Site Licenses (510, 530 and 580)

Professional development and for teachers and administration.


General Supplies (610)

Department funding for additional novels, audio visual materials, document camera and projector bulbs.


Library Books (644)

Continued funding to up-date non-fiction section of the library.


Software (670)

ALEKS licenses for math


Equipment (Computer Hardware, Instruments, Furniture) (730)

Year 1 of a 4 year lease on 3 Touch Screen Chrome Book labs of 35 Chrome Books each. ($7,547) Purchase 3 42 spot Chrome Book Carts. ($3,615), Replace outdated projectors as needed. ($6,694).


Goal #2 Edit


In the English classes we will improve student proficiency in reading comprehension by 3%.

Academic Areas

  • Reading
  • Writing


Data will be collected from a vocabulary and a reading program to determine if the goal has been met.

Action Plan Steps

  1. 1. Purchase online vocabulary program.
  2. 2. Purchase a self-directed reading program.
  3. 3. Purchase 10 additional Chrome Books for larger classes.
  4. 3. Purchase a classroom set of reading tests to assess students reading ability
  5. 4. Purchase additional classroom sets of Novels




Estimated Cost




Textbooks (641)

Classroom set of reading tests to assess student's reading ability. With answer sheets.


Library Books (644)

Classroom sets of novels.


Equipment (Computer Hardware, Instruments, Furniture) (730)

1st of a 4 year lease on 10 Chrome Books for larger English classes


Textbooks (Online Curriculum or Subscriptions) (642)

On line vocabulary program ( $1,200. Read Theory reading program $1,100


Summary of Estimated Expenditures


Estimated Cost
(entered by the school)



Salaries and Employee Benefits (100 and 200)


Professional and Technical Services (300)


Repairs and Maintenance (400)


Transportation/Admission/Per Diem/Site Licenses (510, 530 and 580)


General Supplies (610)


Textbooks (641)


Textbooks (Online Curriculum or Subscriptions) (642)


Library Books (644)


Software (670)


Equipment (Computer Hardware, Instruments, Furniture) (730)


Funding Estimates



Estimated Carry-over from the 2017-2018 Progress Report


Estimated Distribution in 2018-2019


Total ESTIMATED Available Funds for 2018-2019


Summary of Estimated Expenditures For 2018-2019


This number may not be a negative number     Total ESTIMATED Carry Over to 2019-2020


Increased Distribution Edit

The 2018-2019 distribution in this plan is an estimate. If the actual distribution is more than the estimate, how will additional funds be spent to implement the goals described in the plan?

Additional funds would be used to support both goal #1 and goal #2 by adding an additional planning period buyout, adding technology, maintenance and repairs, professional development and additional department needs for novels and equipment for student learning.

School Plan 2018-2019 - Rocky Mountain JR

Want to add another goal?

Add a Goal

Goal #1 Edit


Ensure that at least 95% of all 9th grade students have 6 or more credits when they transition from Rocky Mountain Jr. High to the high school.

Academic Areas

  • Reading
  • Mathematics
  • Writing
  • Technology
  • Science
  • Fine Arts
  • Social Studies
  • Health
  • Foreign Language


Data will be collected from the student cumulative report to determine the number of students leaving RMJH on track for graduation.

Action Plan Steps

  1. 1. Two Student Advocates to work individually and in groups with students, to track and help improve student academic progress.
  2. 2. Two math aides to assist students struggling in math.
  3. 3. Funding for 1st year of a 4 year lease on 3 Chrome book labs with carts.
  4. 4. Gradpath program yearly costs.
  5. 5. Funding for a teacher stipend for credit recovery.
  6. 6. Funding for ALEKS math program.
  7. 7. Professional Development for teachers, staff and administration.
  8. 8. Continue funding for replacement of non-fiction section in school library.
  9. 9. Update and improve technology to improve student learning. (Wireless connectivity, projectors, Smart Boards, document cameras, printers, replacement and repair).
  10. 10. Funding for individual department needs. (novels, reading level tests, science equipment, calculators).




Estimated Cost




Salaries and Employee Benefits (100 and 200)

Student Advocate salaries (2) $34,000, Math Aide (2) $22,000, Teacher Stipend for Grad path program $1,000


Professional and Technical Services (300)

Professional development for teachers and administration.


Repairs and Maintenance (400)

Updates, repairs and maintenance for Smart Boards, wireless hubs, document cameras, printers, Chrome Books and Chrome Book carts.


Transportation/Admission/Per Diem/Site Licenses (510, 530 and 580)

Professional development and for teachers and administration.


General Supplies (610)

Department funding for additional novels, audio visual materials, document camera and projector bulbs.


Library Books (644)

Continued funding to up-date non-fiction section of the library.


Software (670)

ALEKS licenses for math


Equipment (Computer Hardware, Instruments, Furniture) (730)

Year 1 of a 4 year lease on 3 Touch Screen Chrome Book labs of 35 Chrome Books each. ($7,547) Purchase 3 42 spot Chrome Book Carts. ($3,615), Replace outdated projectors as needed. ($6,694).


Goal #2 Edit


In the English classes we will improve student proficiency in reading comprehension by 3%.

Academic Areas

  • Reading
  • Writing


Data will be collected from a vocabulary and a reading program to determine if the goal has been met.

Action Plan Steps

  1. 1. Purchase online vocabulary program.
  2. 2. Purchase a self-directed reading program.
  3. 3. Purchase 10 additional Chrome Books for larger classes.
  4. 3. Purchase a classroom set of reading tests to assess students reading ability
  5. 4. Purchase additional classroom sets of Novels




Estimated Cost




Textbooks (641)

Classroom set of reading tests to assess student's reading ability. With answer sheets.


Library Books (644)

Classroom sets of novels.


Equipment (Computer Hardware, Instruments, Furniture) (730)

1st of a 4 year lease on 10 Chrome Books for larger English classes


Textbooks (Online Curriculum or Subscriptions) (642)

On line vocabulary program ( $1,200. Read Theory reading program $1,100


Summary of Estimated Expenditures


Estimated Cost
(entered by the school)



Salaries and Employee Benefits (100 and 200)


Professional and Technical Services (300)


Repairs and Maintenance (400)


Transportation/Admission/Per Diem/Site Licenses (510, 530 and 580)


General Supplies (610)


Textbooks (641)


Textbooks (Online Curriculum or Subscriptions) (642)


Library Books (644)


Software (670)


Equipment (Computer Hardware, Instruments, Furniture) (730)


Funding Estimates



Estimated Carry-over from the 2017-2018 Progress Report


Estimated Distribution in 2018-2019


Total ESTIMATED Available Funds for 2018-2019


Summary of Estimated Expenditures For 2018-2019


This number may not be a negative number     Total ESTIMATED Carry Over to 2019-2020


Increased Distribution Edit

The 2018-2019 distribution in this plan is an estimate. If the actual distribution is more than the estimate, how will additional funds be spent to implement the goals described in the plan?

Additional funds would be used to support both goal #1 and goal #2 by adding an additional planning period buyout, adding technology, maintenance and repairs, professional development and additional department needs for novels and equipment for student learning.