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Meeting Minutes - May 14, 2018

Rocky Mountain Junior High School 

Community Council Meeting

 May, 14, 2018


In Attendance:  Bret Craynor, Connie Brown, Leslie Saunders, Anne Kendrick, Sharon Bolos, Christi Warr, Lacy Richards,Malauna Anderson, Michelle Nichols.


Bret read minutes.

Lacy Richards - Approved

Leslie Saunders - Seconded


Trust Land 2017-2018:  Carry over will be just under $7,000.00, which is in the State guideline of 10%.


Bret thanked the Board for their support.


Moving Forward:  Mrs. Ellis has been working with a committee to revamp Den Time.  They are going to try to implement small, group discussions, "How to be a better person."   Character Ed videos will continue.  Good changes to come.


Bret thanked the Committee for all their help this year, especially with the Marquee!


Last meeting for 2017-2018 school year.


Minutes by Connie Brown