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Meeting Minutes - Nov. 12, 2018

Rocky Mountain Junior High School

Community Council Minutes

November 12, 2018

9:45 a.m.

In Attendance:  Lacy Richards, Kelly Snarr, Anne Kendrick, Christi Warr, Lane Gittins, Bret Craynor and Connie Brown.

Welcome – Bret Craynor

Connie Brown read the minutes.  Lacy Richards approved and Anne Kendrick seconded.

Trust Land Plan

     $114,334.00 Allocation for 2018-19

     $579.55 Carry over – Teacher’s salaries will not be taken out until June so it is very hard to figure exactly what that amount will be, thus the difference in Carry over funds.

     $112,718.55-The current Trust Land Plan has not been updated at the District level.

We have used $648.00 out of Repairs and Maintenance.

$13,055 has been used on 6 projectors (that is an ongoing problem) and lease for Chrome Books.

Last Year’s Plan 2017-18

     Goal 1- Increase Students leaving RMJH on track.  Only 6 students off track.

     Goal 2-Replace outdated projectors.  We have replaced 25 plus added one to the gym, this is an ongoing problem we have had 2 go out already this year.

This Year’s Plan 2018-19

     Goal 1 – 95% of all 9th grade students on track for graduation.  Lacy asked if we could pull data to track this to compare years.  Bret said that would be possible.

As of 1st Term-128 total F’s.  This is up from last year because the past administration would not allow teachers to give F’s.

9th grade- 30-F’s- 1.4% - 16 – I’s – 15 people own those 30 F’s.

8th grade- 72-F’s – 9 –I’s

7th grade- 26- F’s – 10- I’s

Had a discussion about Canvas. 

     Goal 2 – English class will increase reading comprehension by 3%. 

     Looking to collect some base line data 1st quarter.

Talked about adding Character Ed as one of the goals, Bret would love to be able to compensate Mrs. Sportsman and a couple of other Team Members for all they are doing for the Grizzly Groups.  He has significant data on the number of fewer incidents since the beginning of the year.  Lacy asked if he could do another Stress Survey on the students to help quantify the need.

Anne asked if they would be taking the Sage test this year, it has been changed to ASPIRE, it is similar to the ACT Test.

Science goal- possibly more books.

Bret also talked about the current grading system-






Would like to see us move to-






Definitely something to think about and inform parents.

We also, discussed the future needs:

     2 Math Aides

     1 Student Advocate

     1 Reading Aide

     Ongoing professional development

     Library Books

     Ongoing Chrome book leases

     ALEKS licenses

     Technology maintenance and repairs

     Chromebook maintenance

     English needs

          Classroom set of novels

Bret thanked all those who were present for their support.

The next Community Council Meeting will be held on Monday, January 14, 2019 at 9:45 a.m.

Minutes by Connie Brown.