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Meeting Minutes - Jan. 14, 2019

Rocky Mountain Junior High School

Community Council Minutes

January 14, 2019

9:45 a.m.


In Attendance:  Lacy Richards, Kelly Snarr, Christi Warr, Ashley Harris, Bret Craynor and Connie Brown.

Welcome – Ashley Harris

Connie Brown read the minutes.  Christi Warr approved and Lacy Richards seconded.

Bret handed out packets with information on Trust Lands budget and chrome books.  Bret proposed to make an amendment to the Trust Lands plan.  Move travel funds - $5,000 and $7,000 from Software to Instructional Equipment to help cover the cost of projectors.  It was approved by Lacy and second by Ashley Harris.

Our District is going One to One with the Chrome Books this next year.  They are asking that each school to pay 47% and they will pay 53%.  After a long discussion, pro’s and con’s they agreed if they have in writing the sustainability of the chrome books for additional years from the District they would agree.  If not, they will not vote for it.

Ashley asked if Bret could look at Goal #2 and adjust it so that it is more detailed than just implementation.  Bret said he would be glad to.

Bret will email Council members when he gets an answer about the sustainability of the Chrome Books.

Bret thanked all for their input.

The next meeting will be held on March 11, 2019.

Minutes by Connie Brown.