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Meeting Minutes - Mar. 11, 2019

Rocky Mountain Junior High

Community Council Minutes

March 11, 2019

9:45 am

In Attendance:  Ashley Harris, Lacy Richards, Kelly Snarr, Christi Warr, Jamie Ellis, Bret Craynor, Tammy Mecham and Connie Brown.

Welcome:  Ashley Harris

Connie Brown read the minutes.  Approved by Lacy Richards, seconded by Christi Warr.

Mr. Craynor explained that in order for the 1 to 1 to happen there had to be training for the teachers.  March 6, 13, and 20th will be early out in order for this training to occur.

Registration is complete, waiting on numbers to see what our FTE’s will be.  Next year projected numbers are 1021.

We have purchased a 3D printer.  The kids are loving it a well as the teachers.

He went over the Trust Land Plan and it was approved unanimously.

He thanked them for their support this year.

Minutes by Connie Brown