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Meeting Minutes - November 11, 2019

Rocky Mountain Junior High School

Community Council Minutes

November 11, 2019

9:45 a.m.



Welcome-Bret Craynor

In Attendance-Christi Warr, Anne Kendrick, Michelle Nichols, Holly Crossley, Tamara Arndt, Leslie Saunders Bret Craynor, and Connie Brown.

Bret Craynor read the minutes.  Christi Warr made a motion to approve the minutes and Michelle Nichols seconded the motion.

Mr. Craynor presented the Trust Lands carry over which was $26,602.34.  There was a mistake on an Aides pay in payroll which contributed to the extra overage amount.  Mr. Craynor is going to switch teacher buyouts with the Aide pay because he will know the exact amount of a buyout whereas the Aide pay was not consistent.  This will make it much easier to track. The Council agreed that the purchase of the Smart TV’s would be of most benefit to all.  Mr. Craynor is also going to look into a class set of VR Headsets.  The Council members were very pleased with this possibility.

Upcoming 2020-21 Goals

We would like to keep the 95% 9th graders 6 or more credits as well as a 1% increase on overall Rise scores.  They are hoping they will have better luck with the getting the Rise results.

Future needs-

Five teacher buy-outs for class reduction, ongoing Professional Development, Library books, WSD Ascend 1 to 1, ALEKS licenses, technology maintenance and repairs, chrome book maintenance and novels for English Dept.

Additional business-Mr. Craynor told them about Dentime Dash a new program to register students for the upcoming year.  More details later.

Mr. Craynor thanked the Council for their support.

Our next Community Council meeting will be held on January 13, 2020.

Minutes by Connie Brown.