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Meeting Minutes - March 17, 2021

Rocky Mountain Junior High School

Community Council Minutes

March 17, 2021

12:15 pm


In Attendance:  Lacy Richards, Sandy Green, Ashley Harris, Anne Kendrick, Lori Brown, Dana Lamb, Bret Craynor.

Welcome – Bret Craynor

Mr. Craynor talked about registration and the enrolment numbers for next year.  (1106 and rising)

Mr. Craynor talked about the Trust Land website is still down and the plan we have approved cannot be submitted to the state for approval until the site is up and running.  We have also not been able to reconcile last year’s spending.

 Current plan -  Mr. Craynor indicated we will be under our allotted 10% carry over for the year but because teacher salaries continue to be pulled out until September is very hard to figure exactly what that amount will be.

Additional Business –

We have been running an Edgenuity class on Wednesday early out and paying for those that come in and make up credit on that day.  We have enough funds in our credit recovery account to cover the cost.  So far this has been very successful.