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Minutes - May 11, 2022

Rocky Mountain Junior High School

Community Council Meeting Minutes

May 11, 2022

10:30 am

Welcome – Bret Craynor

In attendance – Bret Craynor, Jamie Pilkington, Kenny Olsen, Dana Lamb, Lorie Brown, Cindy Pendleton, Leslie Saunders, Sandy Green

Approval of Minutes – Bret Craynor

Motion to approve – Dana

Second – Leslie

Mr. Craynor

  • Accreditation – Mr. Craynor – Thanks for help with the parent portion. Great success. Things went well.  They wanted to see the video that was shown for accreditation.  Watched it at the end of the meeting.
  • Trust Lands 2021 -2022 Budget - On track for the 10% carry over.
  • TSSA Money
    • Plan Due June
    • Goals
      • 1 - Ensure that at least 95% of all 9th grade students have 6 or more credits when they transition from Rocky Mountain Jr. High to the high school.
      • 2 – Decrease the overall number of student F’s in 7th, 8th, and 9th grade by 5% from the previous year.
      • 3 - Provide a Mental Health specialist to work with the social and emotional students that we have identified as at risk and provide them additional support to help them achieve academic success.  Panorama will also be used to help track and identify students that are at risk
    • Plan
      • Class size reduction
      • Aides –
        • 2 Math
        • 1 Reading
        • 3 student advocates
      • Character education
      • Teacher Professional development (School Year/Summer)
      • Mental Health Professional
      • Panorama
      • Funding for Edginuity

Watched the video.

Mr. Craynor thanked them for their service. 

Meeting was adjourned.