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Meeting Minutes - January 18, 2023

Rocky Mountain Junior High School

Community Council Meeting

January 18, 2023

10:15 a.m.

In attendance:  Bret Craynor, Lacy Richards, Kenny Olsen,  Sandy Green, Dana Lamb


Mr. Craynor – Welcomed and read the minutes,

Approval of Minutes - A motion was made to approve the minutes by Dana Seconded by Kenny.

Mr. Craynor talked about the current Trust Lands budget and where we are with spending.  We have not been billed for our 1 to 1 devices yet. 


  • Boundary discussion - Mr. Craynor talked about the boundary process and how the district is moving forward with it.  They are wanting Rocky to be at 850 - 900 students when they open the new school.

Additional Business (as needed)