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Meeting Minutes - November 2, 2023

RMJH SCC Meeting
November 2, 2023

Attendees: Quincey Mogolich, Sandy Green, Lacy Richards, Stacy Adams, Dana Lamb, Cindy Pendleton

Approval of Minutes:

Digital LIteracy Presentation by Blake Pope:
● Recommended the books “Art of Screen Time” and “Digital for Good”
● It is a digital world and there is no going back. Filters are good, but we need to teach our kids to be literate as well.
● School district still uses Bark to monitor student Google accounts
● The School Board just approve the rollout of “Blocksi”

○ In addition to Bark (for now)
○ Includes Chromebook monitoring
○ Features similar to geofencing and time allotments
○ Teachers will have a gallery view and can turn off when chromebook is being used inappropriately
○ Timeframe for rollout is “soon”

TRUST Lands:
● Balance as of November 2, 2023 - $167,143.32

○ Chromebook budget of $36,682 has not yet come out

● Goals for next school year will be rephrased from the last few years

○ SCC will work on this with an online document
○ Come together with changes at February meeting

● Goals for next year funding will be % based

○ “This % of the TRUST money will go towards XYZ per student enrolled”
○ Most likely won’t know an accurate enrollment by the time the goals are due

● Concern about counselors for next year

○ Anticipation that we will need about $65,000 for counselor pay

TSSA Funds:
● Balance as of November 2, 2023 - $219,999.95

Additional Business:
● At the end of first quarter, there were 56 ninth grade students with at least one failed core class (Math, Science, English, History)

○ Credit Recovery options have been offered and in 2 days, 10 students had already signed up

■ Option one is 2 weeks during den time and can earn .25 credits for $35
■ Option two is staying for 2.5 hours and earning as many credits as possible in time allotment for $35 (December)

● PLC Progress

○ Looking good
○ Plans to use this time to iron out the F’s “that don’t count” with 7th and 8th graders

Meeting Adjourned
Next Meeting scheduled for February 1, at 2 pm