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Meeting Minutes - November 7, 2024

Rocky Mountain Jr High School

Community Council Minutes

November 7, 2024


Members in attendance:
Quincy Mogolich, Kimberlee Hollis, Jessica Smith, Cyndi Bennett, Natalie Dalpias, Cindy
Pendleton, Natasha Davis, Tyler White, Stacie Palmer

  1. Welcome: Cindy Pendleton
  2. Meeting Minutes from the last meeting were read and approved.
  3. Progress Reports were given by Mrs Mogolich
    1. VR Headsets are being used to see Southern Utah. The students seem to be enjoying them. The school may consider getting more.
    2. Mrs Mogolich discussed benchmarks for December. She feels that the students are on track.
    3. Stacie Palmer discussed the plan for accelerated math. She discussed how these classes are helping both higher and lower level math students.
    4. Mrs Mogolich went over the current budget plan and the progress of those budgets.
      1. For Trust Land, we are currently at $129,390.82
      2. For TSSA, the current usable budget is $232,835.44. The estimated allotment for 2025-2026 is $162,798.44
    5. Stacy Palmer discussed the Core Extension classes she has been teaching. She shared some real world applications they’ve been doing in math, and how they’ve been able to incorporate reading and science into their math studies. Mrs Palmer mentioned that there are some kinks to work out, but she is happy with how things are going. There was some feedback from some of the community council members saying they’ve heard both negative and positive reviews about the Core Extension classes from students.
  4. School Improvement Plan
    1. PBIS: Mrs Mogolich discussed the Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports. There are currently 3 student advocates who assist students when they need help with behavior or other factors preventing them from learning.
    2. Attendance Goal: The school is on track for their goal that 95% of students will have 80% or better attendance
    3. Academics Goal: Mrs Mogolich feels that the students are on track with their academic goals as follows:
      1. 50% proficiency on RISE testing or a 5% improvement each year APIRE scores
      2. 44% will earn a predicted score of 18 or higher or increase by 5% each year.
  5. Proposed Amendment: Mrs Mogolich asked the council if they would like to move Community Council meetings to Mondays. Cindy Pendleton motioned to move the meetings to Mondays. Kimberlee Hollis seconded the motion. Our next meeting will move from January 9th to January 6th.
  6. Upcoming budget plan ideas: Mrs Mogolich talked about the budget for the upcoming school year, and she anticipates Rocky Mountain will have about the same number of students. There were no big changes noted, but the following were discussed: number of advocates, Summer pay for PD, Buyouts, Expendable items, Textbooks, books, online  curriculum subscriptions, stipends for credit recovery coordinator, Chromebooks, hardware & technology such as smart TV’s, teacher tech, etc.
  7. Community Comments: Mrs Mogolich discussed the problem they have with vaping in the school. She mentioned ways that they are trying to prevent students from vaping, and disciplinary actions taken when students vape at school.

The next Community Council meeting will be on January 6th at 2:00 in the conference room.