Athletic Forms
Congratulations on making the team! We will need you to complete some paperwork before the season starts. Please click the button below and follow these steps to complete the forms:
Click "Login to Register".
Click "Create Account" for a new athlete.
Complete the demographic information, and click "Create Account".
Complete each of the forms listed below for each athlete.
Here is a description of each section of the forms:
Student Code of Conduct & Parent Permission - This is to be completed by a parent/guardian and grants the student permission to participate in the sport.
Emergency Card - This provides the coaches with emergency information in the event of an accident or injury at a practice or game.
Head Injury Information & Acknowledgement - Informing parents of head injury policies and resources, must be completed by a parent/legal guardian.
Physical Form - This is a PDF you can print and have your doctor complete. This will need to be handed in to your coach. Click here to access the forms.