Academic Policies

Academic Grades

At the beginning of each course, the teacher will inform the students of class policies and grading expectations. This is done via a disclosure statement which is reviewed and signed by the student and parent.  

Honor Roll

Students who attains a 3.50 GPA for the previous quarter qualify to be on the Honor Roll.  Students who attain a 3.8 GPA and above are on the High Honor Roll   .   

Citizenship Grades

In addition to academic grades, citizenship grades are given by each teacher.  The citizenship grade is printed on the report card and is also used to determine extra curricular eligibility.

  • H –Honor – outstanding preparation and participation. A highly positive, supportive, and contributing influence in class.  Very respectful of teacher, other students, and property.  No disruptive behavior. Not more than 1 tardy during the quarter.

  • S –Satisfactory – good preparation and frequent participation. Usual­ly a posi­tive, supportive, and con­tributing influence in class. Shows respect for teacher, students, and property. Seldom disrupts class.  No more than 2 tardies during the quarter.

  • N -Needs Improvement – fair preparation and participation. A passive, often non-productive influence in class. Exhibits some lack of self control and disrespect for teach­er, students, and property. Often disrup­tive.  No more than one truancy and/or no more than 4 tardies during the quarter.

  • U -Unsatisfactory – poor preparation and participation. A negative influence in class.  Exhibits lack of self control. Shows little interest or respect for teach­er, students, or property. Very disruptive.  Five or more tardies and/or two or more truancies during the quarter.