School Information
Rocky Mountain Junior High currently serves students in the 7th, 8th and 9th grades from the communities of Hooper, West Haven, Kanesville and Taylor. The elementary schools that feed into Rocky Mountain Junior High are Hooper, Country View, West Haven and Kanesville. Rocky Mountain students feed into Fremont High School.
The staff of Rocky Mountain Junior High consists of a principal, an assistant principal, one full time and three part time counselors, thirty-nine teachers, one media specialist, four secretaries, seven aides, two full time custodians, one computer technician and one resource officer.
In an effort to better utilize the facilities throughout the district, the boundaries for our school were modified for the 2004-2005 school year. The changes resulted in a loss of about 200 students and several teaching and aide positions. The general make up of our school has slightly changed, but we have benefited from the new boundaries. The problems and difficulties of overcrowding have been somewhat alleviated. Having fewer students has provided an increased opportunity for participation and involvement in groups activities and teams.
In an effort to enhance student learning, we have been involved in several teacher in-service workshops, discussions, and seminars. All teachers were involved in two Best Teaching Practice seminars and a Teaching Reading Strategies workshop. A small group of teacher leaders were involved in additional Best Practices workshops. These teachers in turn have presented material, strategies and information to the rest of the faculty. Each department has been assigned to present effective teaching strategies and applications to the staff in monthly faculty meetings.
The administration, teachers, staff, and parents have been active in each step of the accreditation process. The general procedure for all steps of accreditation followed these steps: A small group of teachers, parents, and/or students developed the main part of the particular task, the results were presented to the whole group, modifications were made by the small groups according to suggestions from the large group, the results were then presented to the large group for approval or further modification.